The instructions become effective as of 1 April 2016
On 28 March 2016 the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (Energy Regulator) issued instructions on the terms and conditions for electricity supplier switch for consumers whose property has a standardized consumption profile (i.e. household, non-household or street lights) and does not have smart electricity meters installed. This is applicable to change of end supplier (e.g. a household consumer who purchases electricity at regulated prices) or of a last-instance supplier (e.g. a non-household consumer, connected to middle-tension grid, who has not chosen its electricity supplier), as well as the switch of a certain electricity supplier on the liberalized market with another.
The procedure for electricity supplier change is administered by the distribution grid company (DGC), to whose grid the consumer’s property is connected. The first step for the consumer is to sign an agreement for combined services with the DGC – this can be procured by the new supplier should the consumer choose to authorise it by a notarized power of attorney. The consumer initiates the procedure by filing of an application as per a template approved by the Energy Regulator. Where applicable, it should be supplemented with a notarized power of attorney. Only these two documents can be requested by the DGC with regard to the electricity supplier switch according to the explicit instruction of the Energy Regulator.
Within 4 business days after the filing of the application the DGC reviews the data; if there are omissions or errors, the DGC notifies the consumer and provides a period of 3 business days to remedy them.
The DGC can refuse the switch if:
- The new supplier has not signed a framework agreement with the DGC; or
- There are more than one application for switch for one and the same property of the consumer filed within the month preceding the month when the change will become effective.
If the data in the application is complete, within 3 business days of the review the DGC notifies both suppliers – the current and the new, about the impending change. If, within the next 2 business days no objection is made by either supplier and/or no certificate for lack of delayed payments is filed by the current supplier, the change is deemed approved.
The CGD registers the switch not later than 3 business days before the end of the month in which it is to become effective and simultaneously sends summarized information about the suppliers and the supplied properties classified by consumption profile to the independent transmission operator.
Effective of the 1st day of the following month
The switch becomes effective as of the 1st day of the month following the month of the filing of the application provided that the latter is submitted not later than the 10th day of the preceding month. If the consumer intends to change the mode of consumption of the property in question (e.g. in case of change of designation of the site), the DGC should be notified about the change of the standardised consumption profile – this change also becomes effective as of the 1st day of the following month.
No fees and e–mail option
The electricity supplier switch is free of charge for consumers with properties having standardised consumption profile.
The application for change of supplier can be filed by e-mail, provided that it is signed by electronic signature. Also, the communication between the DGC and the suppliers, as well as the independent transmission operator, is to be done by e-mail, which should allow easier and faster administration of the procedure.