7,500 MWh on the average are traded daily on the Bulgarian energy exchange
The Bulgarian Energy Holding increased the capital of Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange. The funds will be invested in acquiring a platform for long-term contracts trade. It will be launched in July 2016; also, as of the beginning of 2017 a day-to-day trade within the day platform will become operative. The Energy Minister Ms. Petkova made this announcement during a conference on energy market liberalization in Bulgaria.
The energy exchange works with real transactions as of the beginning of the year whereby the number of the registered participants on the exchange market is 32. 95% of them are active daily. In the meantime, the certified persons, authorised to work with the electronic system of exchange trade, are more than 1000. On the average 7,500 MWh are traded daily on the Bulgarian energy exchange where the prices are similar to those at the regional exchanges. Further, the Ministry is to undertake an analysis for creating a natural gas trading segment within the energy exchange.
The full publication is available in Bulgarian here:http://www.economic.bg/bg/news/6/prez-yuli-tragva-platforma-za-targoviya-s-tok.html
Source: www.economic.bg