Court fee for review of objections under Art. 66 (6) of the Bank Bankruptcy Act: Is it really due?
This brief is to answer the following question, which has been subject to debate amongst court practitioners after the latest amendments of the Bank Bankruptcy Act (BBA): “Should a depositor owe court fee for filing of objection under Art. 66 (6) 6 BBA after the recent revision of the BBA promulgated in State Gazette issue […]
The Energy Regulator issues instructions for change of electricity supplier
The instructions become effective as of 1 April 2016 On 28 March 2016 the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (Energy Regulator) issued instructions on the terms and conditions for electricity supplier switch for consumers whose property has a standardized consumption profile (i.e. household, non-household or street lights) and does not have smart electricity meters installed. […]
EU Blue Card
Entry and residence of highly qualified workers in Bulgaria EU Blue Card The preferential regime for highly qualified workers envisaged to improve the EU employment competitiveness is now fully implemented in Bulgaria Council Directive 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified […]
Acquisition of land in Bulgaria by foreigners
Foreign nationals and legal entities can acquire real estate in Bulgaria such as buildings and right-to-build in Bulgaria but the ownership of land (both urban and agricultural) is generally reserved for Bulgarian nationals and legal entities. With respect to EU Member States, upon joining the European Union in 2007 Bulgaria opted to maintain for a […]